Other Ways to Support
Fund Emergency Shelter
Help Provide Safe Shelter for Survivors
Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault often need emergency shelter. With limited traditional options, we partner with the Reloshare Program to provide safe, anonymous hotel stays. Your donation can be a lifeline for victims and survivors needing emergency shelter and safety.
CLICK HERE to fund a safe stay for a survivor.
Your support offers immediate safety and hope for those in crisis.
KARM Gift Cards
We cannot store donation items like clothes, toys, or furniture and prefer new items for victims.
However, you can donate gently used items to KARM and choose Knoxville Family Justice Center as your charity.
Through KARM’s Corners of Your Field program, we’ll receive gift cards to help victims in need.
Amazon Wish List
Ship donations from our Amazon Wish List directly to us.
Kroger Rewards
We are registered as a Community Rewards recipient with Kroger.
Link your Kroger card to the Knoxville Family Justice Center, and Kroger will make an annual donation to us based on your spending—at no cost to you!
Our organization number is AW692.
Watch the video for easy setup instructions.